The Umbria Region is the first in Italy to have with a law specifically for the birth of Gasp (Groups of fair trade and popular), to which the Region undertakes to subsidize the operating costs, promotion and organization.
contributions, for up to 5 000 € per year will be awarded a grant to those Gasp active for at least 6 months after the date of entry into force of the Regional Law, adopted with 18 yes, 9 no and 2 abstentions.
The measure, on the initiative of the directors IDV, and Paul Oliver Dottorini Ugly, is titled "Rules for the support of the buying groups united and popular (Gasp) and the promotion of food products at zero kilometers from short chain and of quality. "The law aims to recognize and enhance the critical consumption, conscious and responsible, as a means of promoting health and wellness, encouraging local producers and the distribution of their quality products.
to support even more short chain and products at zero kilometers, the region is also committed to the use of such prodtti of which provides that public bodies at the time to bring tenders for the award of catering services, establish the actual mechanisms of priority to give higher scores to persons participating in the tender, specifying the use of short chain products in no less than 50 percent of the products fully employed.
In total, the Region has made available, for 2011, about 120 000 €, of which 70 000 will go towards encouraging the Gasp and other 50 000 to the promotion of local agricultural production, quality production and chain Short and to the creation of communal spaces furnished reserved for local farmers to sell direct in the farmer's market.
Andrea Marchetti -
contributions, for up to 5 000 € per year will be awarded a grant to those Gasp active for at least 6 months after the date of entry into force of the Regional Law, adopted with 18 yes, 9 no and 2 abstentions.
The measure, on the initiative of the directors IDV, and Paul Oliver Dottorini Ugly, is titled "Rules for the support of the buying groups united and popular (Gasp) and the promotion of food products at zero kilometers from short chain and of quality. "The law aims to recognize and enhance the critical consumption, conscious and responsible, as a means of promoting health and wellness, encouraging local producers and the distribution of their quality products.
to support even more short chain and products at zero kilometers, the region is also committed to the use of such prodtti of which provides that public bodies at the time to bring tenders for the award of catering services, establish the actual mechanisms of priority to give higher scores to persons participating in the tender, specifying the use of short chain products in no less than 50 percent of the products fully employed.
In total, the Region has made available, for 2011, about 120 000 €, of which 70 000 will go towards encouraging the Gasp and other 50 000 to the promotion of local agricultural production, quality production and chain Short and to the creation of communal spaces furnished reserved for local farmers to sell direct in the farmer's market.
Andrea Marchetti -
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