Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Crocodile Vs Alligator Fight

11 things you thought were green, but ...

Desire to be sustainable and to direct their life habits and ecological behavior may stumble from time to time, somewhere in town or urban legend. In an effort to dispel some common myths rather than on the site NetworkBryan Wilson Mother Nature makes a list of the 11 things generally considered - and wrongly ... - as an absolute guarantee of environmental sustainability.

Here they are: 1

Despite Hybrid SUV their environmental impact is enormous, many people continue to buy the mammoth SUV, attracted by what seems more a status symbol than a means of transport, as well as a design major, from road safety statistics more or less positive, who knows What other factors.

So when the automobile industry has begun to produce and publicize the SUV hybrids, even motorists eco-friendly they made us a little thought, thinking that we can finally have, as they say, "cake and eat it too." However, the fact is that SUVs are less polluting hybrid SUV when compared with "standard", but their consumption is equal to that of non-hybrid compact cars. In short, much ado about nothing.

2. Clothing and textile bamboo
If the bamboo is a versatile and environmentally friendly building material, but is not the wisest solution for the production of textiles and clothing. To be used as a textile material, in fact, the fibers of bamboo must be treated with chemical solvents and reduced to a viscous solution. And in many cases the chemicals used in the process are highly polluting.

3. Cattle fed on grass
Eating meat from cattle raised on grass is certainly healthier for humans, but not exactly the most environmentally friendly and sustainable livestock, which in During his lifetime, it eats grass produces 20% of methane emissions in more than what they eat feed. In short, no matter how the animal has been reared, from the standpoint of emissions, a diet with little meat or vegetarian fully proves far more sustainable.

4. Biofuels
There are a number of sustainable sources of biofuels, while there are other absolutely unsustainable. Beyond the debate on whether to convert food resources like corn into fuel, the cultivation of some plants used as biofuels is the basis of problems of deforestation escarsità of water in some areas of the world. Suffice it to say that diol production of palm oil is among the main causes of the indiscriminate exploitation of the forests of south-east Asia.

Soy Soy is a legume and nutritious in its various forms, is environmentally friendly alternative to animal products as the main source of protein of vegetable origin. At the same time, however, soy is one of the main food used to produce animal feed. For this it is estimated that just the cultivation of soybeans caused the destruction of 20% of the Amazon forest in the last 40 years. Of these, as reported by a dossier of the WWF, 85% are intended for livestock. The decision to eliminate meat from their diet, So, while helping to reduce the demand for soy farms, other than increases for food that is grown in an increasingly environmentally friendly, since the soy is also one of the foods that most subject to genetic testing . So if you regularly purchase products from soybean, be sure about their origin, and the green credentials of those who produce them. Now the information is at hand: the web, for example, can become a very useful investigative tool!

6. Turn off air conditioning in the car and open the windows
The excessive use of air conditioning in cars, shops, homes, is harmful not only to the environment but also for our health. However, when traveling by car, turn off the air conditioning and the windows down is an alternative sustainable only if your speed is less than 70 km per hour: above this threshold, in fact, the interference on the air ' aerodynamics of the vehicle due to a fuel consumption equivalent to that related to the use of air conditioning.

7. The terms "organic" and "organic" on products
When it comes to organic and biological products, prudence can never be too careful and you have to do a lot of cases of misleading advertising and greenwashing: therefore, it is not enough that label in mind the magic word "organic" or "organic" or that is colored green or brown or decorated with pretty leaves. To ensure the authenticity of what you buy you should always inquire about the origin of the product and the credibility of the manufacturer.

8. Offset their consumption behavior with green "occasional"
Planting trees and installing solar panels are great moves green. However, our environmental choices should not become some handy tips to make, from time to time, behaviors and attitudes daily faltering and immoderate consumption, with the sole objective of making a good conscience and feel better. Faced with issues and environmental issues, the trend does not apply to compensation: The best way to esseregreen is to learn to consciously and responsibly reduce its consumption.

9. The artificial fur artificial fur
not involve killing animals, it is true, but that does not automatically make eco-friendly: in fact, most of the faux fur is made from synthetic fibers and petroleum-derived substances are not exactly green. Why persist to wear this kind of leaders if there are more eco-friendly alternatives to be nice and stay warm?

10. Poultry raised in the open
When we read a label on the chicken that we buy has been grown outdoors, we tend to imagine that many birds trotting free in wide green lawns. However, because the poultry raised outdoors may be considered outside must spend at least half of his life, which lasts about 50 days. To ensure that this happens, a label is not enough: it is always best to inquire or buy directly from our chicken farmer confidence.

11. A beautiful lawn and in perfect order
Who does not like to stop and admire a beautiful green lawn, tidy and cared for? The grass courts are certainly beautiful to watch and make a certain figure, but the time and energy you spend, at least in the United States, to create the "perfect lawn" damage the environment more than you might think, traconsumo immoderate water, abuse of fertilizers and use of various tools for shaving and the removal of dead leaves. Perhaps, rather than over-stretch the aesthetic perfection, we should learn to appreciate cultures and gardens maybe some 'imperfect but far more natural and less environmental impact.

Lisa Vagnozzi - GreenMe.it


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