Cuciniello In collaboration with the Foundation, at their headquarters, Wednesday 16 at 18.30 in Italy over 125 Herculaneum, meeting in the area of \u200b\u200bmovement for citizens of the Park "for the towns of Torre del Greek, Ercolano, Portici and San George on Cremano .
The birth of the National Park of Vesuvius, 15 years ago, was almost muted. The individual municipalities joined almost by inertia, once established that at the present membership of the Park would not lead to further restrictions in the building, compared with the previous legislation. A broad and unrealistic, as generic, the propensity to "tourism development" provided a plausible justification and administrators decided to join the park without asking too many questions, but also with a few ideas and confused.
The population, apart from some interest group, was essentially a stranger to this debate. Environmentalists greeted with enthusiasm the birth of the new entity, while others feared that the establishment of the park could lead to new constraints "to do". Constraints to build above. Yes, because the brick, or illegal building, along with restaurants wedding, quarries and fly tipping, was for decades the "development model" dominant in the upstream of urban centers.
At that moment in history, that pattern of development was common sense, shared practice, the dominant culture. And today? Today the latest quarries have been abandoned, the ancient "calling" the landfill has found the state seal in landfills; the bride and groom are looking for "location" less smelly and more beautiful for their wedding; Agriculture , that fifteen years ago he was exhausted and gave way to the surface of speculation, declined to testify, in contrast, the illegal building shows signs of recovery.
However, we can say that the "development model of Vesuvius" is basically went into crisis. The territory has been consumed and lost "appeal". But the birth Park was not to promote an alternative development model? What was the legitimate hopes for an "other" Vesuvius? The story of the landfill of State is only the latest blow to a project already in
agony. The park never took off. And, really, what could be and was not? What future was, maybe still is reasonable to expect? A model of development "alternative" might actually come from the exploitation of two ancient vocations of the area, prior to '"was of brick," the agriculture and tourism.
An ancient civilization, rich in knowledge and products, some of whom by fame legendary, has been progressively wiped out by population pressure coming from the bottom up and the speculation. Agriculture Vesuvius was structurally weak. Higher production costs, low yields, the price at the market compared to products from neighboring areas. Time was valued for its extraordinary organoleptic quality of its products. It was not done. Viticulture lost each year in areas planted with vines. The great culture and culture of apricot is now relegated to a few towns of Mount Somma. Today, agriculture Vesuvius, increasingly surrounded by concrete, humiliated and discredited by the "garbage crisis" seems unable to act as the centerpiece of a tourism revival also of the territory. Yet, incredibly, with the "tomato Piennolo Vesuvius, Italy has recently obtained a new DOP.
Tourism is an ancient vocation. The ascent to Mount Vesuvius was a classic of nineteenth-century Grand Tour. Each year about 500,000 people visit the crater of Vesuvius, but around Great cone we have not been able to build the paths that would enhance the area's resources and a network of support services.
The only "tourist economy" that has been able to produce was that of the "restaurants of Mount Vesuvius." An economics major, in terms of turnover and number of employees, the restaurant's formal pity that often, almost always, be treated to new development, all strictly illegal, aesthetically obscene, offending and make the landscape scorched earth around him. A restaurant with no ties to the territory that was not that, sometimes, a "panoramic view" of a car park and a "Luna Park" to entertain the children, who now pays the bill of an improper use of land and voracious . A model of tourism so perfectly compatible with the illegal housing and the private business of illegal waste dumps, more or less dangerous. The territory to be consumed as well. Vesuvius well as tourist "Hit and run."
There are few hotels, mostly related to tourism activities from ceremony, intended for a local clientele of couples or lovers on the run from their roofs marriage.
nodes to be solved to build an alternative development model still go for the answer to these questions (such as tourism?), To resolve old issues.
Recover a production volume for agriculture. Development of sustainable tourism. Protection and enhancement of the tourist sites of natural interest.
These are the cornerstones around which to build a sustainable economy capable of creating hundreds of new jobs, while improving the living conditions the residents themselves.
need significant public investment, public works for the rehabilitation and restoration of hydrological rural roads, synergies and cooperation with individuals wishing to invest properly, to ensure constant maintenance of the paths of the park, targeted policies to support agricultural activities, effective action and professional marketing planning; should set the project, its will and investment, some pre-conditions occur: a firm stop to illegal building, which has raised its head, a clean sweep of old and new landfills and a system effective land monitoring and supervision of protected areas. The last
condition, but essential, if these assumptions of development can be seriously pursued, is not only, of course, that they are shared by policy makers, but also that policies to achieve them are coordinated and programmed by a directed policy and institutional unit. And then we come to the role of the Park.
What are the powers of the Park? How far and the municipalities participating in the policy of the institution? The Park Authority may be the body politicoistituzionale able to play this role of "director"? Moving towards the constitution of municipal unions "within the Park, as expected August 18, 2000 by Decree Law n.267, may encourage the adoption of regional development policies more effective?
The powers of the Park are more limited than we think. Only now, after fifteen years, with the approval took place in the regional council of the urban plan of the park, there is a planning instrument to which the zoning of the municipalities must meet. But there is still the implementing regulation, without which even the tasks and powers to protect the institution, remain undetermined. Reporting to the park there is a functional unit of the Forest Rangers, the CTA, which has about 50 employees. Not so many. Major portions of the territory, as the reserve of the Tirone Alto Police are "owned property" and under the jurisdiction of the Forest Service. Only a few years the area of \u200b\u200bthe Gran Cono and also the proceeds that are derived from visits (for the most part redistributed to the guides) were transferred to the direct liability of the institution. Among the bodies of the government entity is "the community of the Park", an advisory body, which, however, appoint five members to 12 in the Governing Council, on which sit representatives of all the municipalities that are part of the Park and approving the Plan is economically and socially.
But beyond any assessment about how "weigh" the governing bodies of municipalities within the Park and how decision-making power is instead invested the figure of the President, appointed by the Ministry, and the board, what we want to emphasize here is that the municipalities have never held that the Park could be their "home town", the institutional venue in which to design, plan and plan the development of their territories, in a unified vision. And 'there is still lack of stewards and awareness of the interdependence that binds the fates of each other. On the other hand, the Park Board would have to qualify in those years as "development agency" as a "think tank" to serve a common mission. To do so would have to adopt professionalism of the highest profile in many fields of scientific knowledge and economic, in order to act as interlocutor authoritative than the local authorities. Even this did not happen. The park then was experienced by municipalities as a source of funding occasional recipient of public funds and European
related to individual projects, there were, in turn, systematically divided between local authorities taking into account the "magnitude" and not used according to the logic and design a strategic plan that did prevail over the private interests. As local administrators have been unable or unwilling to see in 'the Park Authority can pivot around which co-ordinate regional development policies, also has not developed in any meaningful discussion on our common opportunities offered by law to carry out an integration, even partial, of tasks and functions of local authorities adjoining the so-called municipal unions.
E 'is quite evident that, within the park and outside it, there are all conditions, and convenience to proceed quickly towards these forms of integration. The parochialism or the valiant defense of their own backyard election, are difficult to reconcile with the need to address and resolve problems that may be more effectively addressed and resolved if placed on a scale wider territorial. Inside the park you might be more of a "Union", this integration is likely, in turn, the composition of the collective interests within the Park and finally the strategic planning of interventions with a view to a systems approach to development area.
course, you can imagine make a turnaround to "upstream", if everything remains as before, "downstream", or you can think of "dividing walls" that separate the park from more urbanized areas. Already some municipalities of the Park, one of the largest geographically, live schizophrenic condition to have part of its territory in the Park and partly outside it. These are the so-called "adjacent areas". They are made from the towns of large cities such as Herculaneum and Torre of the Greek and thus by the urbanized areas of the municipalities of Mount Somma. Then there are the urban centers of municipalities as Portici, San Giorgio, Cercola, Torre Annunziata, which although not part of the park, exercising an undoubted "pressure" on areas upstream.
We believe that an effective development plan for the park area can hardly imagine the relief and apart from a credible idea of \u200b\u200beconomic conversion and production of the surrounding urban "downstream". It is therefore necessary, while specificity of each local area and their manufacturing base, search for some lines of continuity between the development of urban centers and the development of the Park. Certainly
Tourism and the craft revival are the natural "trait d'union" between the coast and the area of \u200b\u200bVesuvius in "upstream". Just think of the enormous wealth, largely untapped, consisting of the eighteenth-century villas of the Golden Mile, the archaeological site of Herculaneum, the manufacture of the coral. It is not difficult to imagine the paths that snodino from Ville eighteenth century to the farms, the ruins of Herculaneum to the paths of the park Vesuvius laboratories of the goldsmith to the cellars of Lacryma Christi. The conversion, for the purposes of tourism development, small ports and the historic Tower of the Greek port of Bourbon Granatello in Portsmouth, now the subject of a recovery program, add another piece to this essential part of recovery. More complex is the coexistence of other activities, industry and service, with the demands of a "green economy". The chaos and anarchy of urban construction on the one hand, the lack of space to set up such other activities, have resulted in settlements and a messy human pressure to the upstream areas, the only available
, going to affect, in a wide band "foothills," the possibility of a development consistent with the aims of the Park. From this "impasse", we can emerge only by a strenuous defense of the areas of environmental quality remained in balance, albeit precarious, but also the rationalization of the existing identification and, finally, the industrial development zones and services, towards which encourage companies to relocate plants decongestion of urban centers and historical centers, recovering soils in the foothills, returning residents living and opportunities for tourism development to town centers, even in terms of hotel accommodation and hospitality widespread.
These are the facts. This analysis. In a recent television success and contrasted, the authors asked each other: why else? I go away why? Once you have chosen the first option, we must, however, that our stay, hope, trust you to find a way out of the unbearable positive and nihilism of the present situation. Here, we want to work at the location of that exit strategy, which is actually the search for a strategy to stay, or to radically change for the better places in which we live.
The question we ask then is: what can we do to change this state of affairs?
Our recipe is simple, certainly difficult to achieve, but we believe it is the only way forward: it is by building a mobilization of hundreds and thousands of people in support of an alternative development model, you can influence policy-makers to act in a coherent and consequential to the achieving these objectives. Only if you create a strong body of opinion, able to speak authoritatively with the policy and institutions, our needs will be met.
Only if our values, our principles, our vision, our proposals, the very idea of \u200b\u200ba different development model, will become common to hear of many more people than they are today, will be can lead to a profound change in our social life, the way we live and our relationship with the land and the environment in which we live.
why we ask you to join us, to build a network of all groups and associations active in the Park area who share common values, analysis and proposals of this appeal. To share our commitment to enrich our proposal with your proposals, to multiply our efforts to work together to raise awareness and mobilization for a better future for all.
CIA (Italian Farmers Confederation) of Naples and Caserta Campania
network of committees antidiscarica Vesuvian
Slow Food Vesuvius
The birth of the National Park of Vesuvius, 15 years ago, was almost muted. The individual municipalities joined almost by inertia, once established that at the present membership of the Park would not lead to further restrictions in the building, compared with the previous legislation. A broad and unrealistic, as generic, the propensity to "tourism development" provided a plausible justification and administrators decided to join the park without asking too many questions, but also with a few ideas and confused.
The population, apart from some interest group, was essentially a stranger to this debate. Environmentalists greeted with enthusiasm the birth of the new entity, while others feared that the establishment of the park could lead to new constraints "to do". Constraints to build above. Yes, because the brick, or illegal building, along with restaurants wedding, quarries and fly tipping, was for decades the "development model" dominant in the upstream of urban centers.
At that moment in history, that pattern of development was common sense, shared practice, the dominant culture. And today? Today the latest quarries have been abandoned, the ancient "calling" the landfill has found the state seal in landfills; the bride and groom are looking for "location" less smelly and more beautiful for their wedding; Agriculture , that fifteen years ago he was exhausted and gave way to the surface of speculation, declined to testify, in contrast, the illegal building shows signs of recovery.
However, we can say that the "development model of Vesuvius" is basically went into crisis. The territory has been consumed and lost "appeal". But the birth Park was not to promote an alternative development model? What was the legitimate hopes for an "other" Vesuvius? The story of the landfill of State is only the latest blow to a project already in
agony. The park never took off. And, really, what could be and was not? What future was, maybe still is reasonable to expect? A model of development "alternative" might actually come from the exploitation of two ancient vocations of the area, prior to '"was of brick," the agriculture and tourism.
An ancient civilization, rich in knowledge and products, some of whom by fame legendary, has been progressively wiped out by population pressure coming from the bottom up and the speculation. Agriculture Vesuvius was structurally weak. Higher production costs, low yields, the price at the market compared to products from neighboring areas. Time was valued for its extraordinary organoleptic quality of its products. It was not done. Viticulture lost each year in areas planted with vines. The great culture and culture of apricot is now relegated to a few towns of Mount Somma. Today, agriculture Vesuvius, increasingly surrounded by concrete, humiliated and discredited by the "garbage crisis" seems unable to act as the centerpiece of a tourism revival also of the territory. Yet, incredibly, with the "tomato Piennolo Vesuvius, Italy has recently obtained a new DOP.
Tourism is an ancient vocation. The ascent to Mount Vesuvius was a classic of nineteenth-century Grand Tour. Each year about 500,000 people visit the crater of Vesuvius, but around Great cone we have not been able to build the paths that would enhance the area's resources and a network of support services.
The only "tourist economy" that has been able to produce was that of the "restaurants of Mount Vesuvius." An economics major, in terms of turnover and number of employees, the restaurant's formal pity that often, almost always, be treated to new development, all strictly illegal, aesthetically obscene, offending and make the landscape scorched earth around him. A restaurant with no ties to the territory that was not that, sometimes, a "panoramic view" of a car park and a "Luna Park" to entertain the children, who now pays the bill of an improper use of land and voracious . A model of tourism so perfectly compatible with the illegal housing and the private business of illegal waste dumps, more or less dangerous. The territory to be consumed as well. Vesuvius well as tourist "Hit and run."
There are few hotels, mostly related to tourism activities from ceremony, intended for a local clientele of couples or lovers on the run from their roofs marriage.
nodes to be solved to build an alternative development model still go for the answer to these questions (such as tourism?), To resolve old issues.
Recover a production volume for agriculture. Development of sustainable tourism. Protection and enhancement of the tourist sites of natural interest.
These are the cornerstones around which to build a sustainable economy capable of creating hundreds of new jobs, while improving the living conditions the residents themselves.
need significant public investment, public works for the rehabilitation and restoration of hydrological rural roads, synergies and cooperation with individuals wishing to invest properly, to ensure constant maintenance of the paths of the park, targeted policies to support agricultural activities, effective action and professional marketing planning; should set the project, its will and investment, some pre-conditions occur: a firm stop to illegal building, which has raised its head, a clean sweep of old and new landfills and a system effective land monitoring and supervision of protected areas. The last
condition, but essential, if these assumptions of development can be seriously pursued, is not only, of course, that they are shared by policy makers, but also that policies to achieve them are coordinated and programmed by a directed policy and institutional unit. And then we come to the role of the Park.
What are the powers of the Park? How far and the municipalities participating in the policy of the institution? The Park Authority may be the body politicoistituzionale able to play this role of "director"? Moving towards the constitution of municipal unions "within the Park, as expected August 18, 2000 by Decree Law n.267, may encourage the adoption of regional development policies more effective?
The powers of the Park are more limited than we think. Only now, after fifteen years, with the approval took place in the regional council of the urban plan of the park, there is a planning instrument to which the zoning of the municipalities must meet. But there is still the implementing regulation, without which even the tasks and powers to protect the institution, remain undetermined. Reporting to the park there is a functional unit of the Forest Rangers, the CTA, which has about 50 employees. Not so many. Major portions of the territory, as the reserve of the Tirone Alto Police are "owned property" and under the jurisdiction of the Forest Service. Only a few years the area of \u200b\u200bthe Gran Cono and also the proceeds that are derived from visits (for the most part redistributed to the guides) were transferred to the direct liability of the institution. Among the bodies of the government entity is "the community of the Park", an advisory body, which, however, appoint five members to 12 in the Governing Council, on which sit representatives of all the municipalities that are part of the Park and approving the Plan is economically and socially.
But beyond any assessment about how "weigh" the governing bodies of municipalities within the Park and how decision-making power is instead invested the figure of the President, appointed by the Ministry, and the board, what we want to emphasize here is that the municipalities have never held that the Park could be their "home town", the institutional venue in which to design, plan and plan the development of their territories, in a unified vision. And 'there is still lack of stewards and awareness of the interdependence that binds the fates of each other. On the other hand, the Park Board would have to qualify in those years as "development agency" as a "think tank" to serve a common mission. To do so would have to adopt professionalism of the highest profile in many fields of scientific knowledge and economic, in order to act as interlocutor authoritative than the local authorities. Even this did not happen. The park then was experienced by municipalities as a source of funding occasional recipient of public funds and European
related to individual projects, there were, in turn, systematically divided between local authorities taking into account the "magnitude" and not used according to the logic and design a strategic plan that did prevail over the private interests. As local administrators have been unable or unwilling to see in 'the Park Authority can pivot around which co-ordinate regional development policies, also has not developed in any meaningful discussion on our common opportunities offered by law to carry out an integration, even partial, of tasks and functions of local authorities adjoining the so-called municipal unions.
E 'is quite evident that, within the park and outside it, there are all conditions, and convenience to proceed quickly towards these forms of integration. The parochialism or the valiant defense of their own backyard election, are difficult to reconcile with the need to address and resolve problems that may be more effectively addressed and resolved if placed on a scale wider territorial. Inside the park you might be more of a "Union", this integration is likely, in turn, the composition of the collective interests within the Park and finally the strategic planning of interventions with a view to a systems approach to development area.
course, you can imagine make a turnaround to "upstream", if everything remains as before, "downstream", or you can think of "dividing walls" that separate the park from more urbanized areas. Already some municipalities of the Park, one of the largest geographically, live schizophrenic condition to have part of its territory in the Park and partly outside it. These are the so-called "adjacent areas". They are made from the towns of large cities such as Herculaneum and Torre of the Greek and thus by the urbanized areas of the municipalities of Mount Somma. Then there are the urban centers of municipalities as Portici, San Giorgio, Cercola, Torre Annunziata, which although not part of the park, exercising an undoubted "pressure" on areas upstream.
We believe that an effective development plan for the park area can hardly imagine the relief and apart from a credible idea of \u200b\u200beconomic conversion and production of the surrounding urban "downstream". It is therefore necessary, while specificity of each local area and their manufacturing base, search for some lines of continuity between the development of urban centers and the development of the Park. Certainly
Tourism and the craft revival are the natural "trait d'union" between the coast and the area of \u200b\u200bVesuvius in "upstream". Just think of the enormous wealth, largely untapped, consisting of the eighteenth-century villas of the Golden Mile, the archaeological site of Herculaneum, the manufacture of the coral. It is not difficult to imagine the paths that snodino from Ville eighteenth century to the farms, the ruins of Herculaneum to the paths of the park Vesuvius laboratories of the goldsmith to the cellars of Lacryma Christi. The conversion, for the purposes of tourism development, small ports and the historic Tower of the Greek port of Bourbon Granatello in Portsmouth, now the subject of a recovery program, add another piece to this essential part of recovery. More complex is the coexistence of other activities, industry and service, with the demands of a "green economy". The chaos and anarchy of urban construction on the one hand, the lack of space to set up such other activities, have resulted in settlements and a messy human pressure to the upstream areas, the only available
, going to affect, in a wide band "foothills," the possibility of a development consistent with the aims of the Park. From this "impasse", we can emerge only by a strenuous defense of the areas of environmental quality remained in balance, albeit precarious, but also the rationalization of the existing identification and, finally, the industrial development zones and services, towards which encourage companies to relocate plants decongestion of urban centers and historical centers, recovering soils in the foothills, returning residents living and opportunities for tourism development to town centers, even in terms of hotel accommodation and hospitality widespread.
These are the facts. This analysis. In a recent television success and contrasted, the authors asked each other: why else? I go away why? Once you have chosen the first option, we must, however, that our stay, hope, trust you to find a way out of the unbearable positive and nihilism of the present situation. Here, we want to work at the location of that exit strategy, which is actually the search for a strategy to stay, or to radically change for the better places in which we live.
The question we ask then is: what can we do to change this state of affairs?
Our recipe is simple, certainly difficult to achieve, but we believe it is the only way forward: it is by building a mobilization of hundreds and thousands of people in support of an alternative development model, you can influence policy-makers to act in a coherent and consequential to the achieving these objectives. Only if you create a strong body of opinion, able to speak authoritatively with the policy and institutions, our needs will be met.
Only if our values, our principles, our vision, our proposals, the very idea of \u200b\u200ba different development model, will become common to hear of many more people than they are today, will be can lead to a profound change in our social life, the way we live and our relationship with the land and the environment in which we live.
why we ask you to join us, to build a network of all groups and associations active in the Park area who share common values, analysis and proposals of this appeal. To share our commitment to enrich our proposal with your proposals, to multiply our efforts to work together to raise awareness and mobilization for a better future for all.
CIA (Italian Farmers Confederation) of Naples and Caserta Campania
network of committees antidiscarica Vesuvian
Slow Food Vesuvius
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