Saturday, October 2, 2010

Where Do They Sell Green Checkered Vans


The author

Randall Wallace is a writer, director, film producer, songwriter and American writer. Born in Tennessee in 1949, he graduated from Duke University, which he attended as a student seminarian studying the history of religions. After attempting a career in singing and composition, in the early eighties, he moved to Hollywood, where he began writing short stories and novels, but also began writing screenplays for television. After the brief television debut in 1995 with his first screenplay for the movie: Braveheart Mel Gibson writes - Heart fearless getting an Oscar nomination for Best Original Screenplay and won a Writers Guild of America Award. From 1980 to date has written seven novels and was the author of songs for various artists.


Set in the pristine hills of Scotland and the royal palaces in London and Paris, Braveheart is divided into four acts, the boy, the rebel, the governor, fearless hearts-and several chapters to 'inside of them. A boy, named William Wallace, is seen to take away from the cruelty of the English-as well as their evil king Edward I "Longshanks" - his father and brother, and is entrusted to his uncle, a priest, with whom he will learn everything from war strategies to the Latin. The novel takes a decade later, describing the marriage of convenience between Isabella, Princess of France, and Edward, the only son of the king of England. In Scotland, William returned to his hometown where he marries the beautiful Murron.

Following disputes with the soldiers, Murron is slaughtered by the sheriff of the town to attract Wallace, who, mad with grief, organizes a revolt with the faithful and the father of his friend Hamish, the old Campbell. Backed by a dozen peasants, the courage and the Fury by William Wallace will lead them to victory against the English garrison which oppressed the village.

Since then, the sole purpose of William's life will defeat the British conquered the territory up to London. Thus began a long period spent in the woods to wait for reinforcements from surrounding clans on the battlefield against the garrisons sent from England. Until it reaches a very important day: the army of the Scottish border guard is attacking the army of Wallace in the plain cut by a river with a bridge. Coming out victorious thanks to the technique of battle and his immense courage, William Wallace was ordained Knight of the Scottish nobles, who, while they are fighting each other for the successor to the throne of Scotland. Among the allies of William is an Irishman, Stephen, who has earned his trust, and will follow along with Hamish in all battles.

Meanwhile King Edward in London is unhappy that France is more reluctant to join the two crowns, and leaves for Paris, giving the child the task of fighting Wallace.

The Army of Scotland, after having conquered York, is reached by Princess Isabella with a peace proposal, refused, but she and William will fall in love anyway.

During a retreat for the lack of reinforcement by the nobles, Wallace was informed that the French lancers, infantry Irish shooters and Dutch are landed with a huge English army to attack them. In this battle, as well to decide the freedom of Scotland, a man will give evidence of superhuman courage, unthinkable: that man is William Wallace.


In the style of Randall Wallace will immediately notice that the physical descriptions are very brief, while the digressions are obvious reflections on strategies and thoughts. As a novel of action, first engaging and exciting and is obviously in parallel with the love stories that lighten the harshness of the war, leaving still shine through all the fury and the pride of Scotland, particularly that of William Wallace.

The book seems to be intensifying more and more until the last chapters, in which instead was silent and the rain.

passion, hatred, sadness, but above all the courage, towering in the heart without fear of Wallace, of Braveheart.

Personal Impressions

first premise by saying that I read this book in hand in London, on holiday with my family, and this has made me more involved in the adventures of William.

At first it seemed to me a balanced book, which has too much nor too cruenza to the war nor love.

Then, I thought it was a fantastic masterpiece meticulously edited in the human and places. Places that I visited during the day and that evening I read in my book.

the immense nave of Westminster Abbey William Wallace felt I understood what he was being tried, and I'm excited to see the gigantic tomb of Edward I.

Finally, thinking of masterpiece which is born of a Scottish folk tale, I realize every day more and more that perhaps the author, Randall Wallace, is really a distant nephew of William Wallace, as stated in the book, because only those who in his blood that of a fearless heart can think of to write in a way so exciting.

Francesco Cavalleri


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