Monday, October 18, 2010

Pinoy Xrated Movies Of 2010

Koh Tao, the beginning of the dive center and

Koh Tao is, along with Ko Pha-Ngan and Ko Samui (correctly in reverse order), one of the first islands to have been explored in the Gulf of Thailand. Thousands are the visitors who come to the island to pay homage to the crystal clear waters that surround it. But above all this paradise in the sea is famous worldwide for being the place that makes the most patents for diving, this is due to lower rates, perhaps as low as around the world, and the presence of dozens of establishments operating in this area.
That's why I decided to make a stop here, and now finally learning to explore the seabed and its wonders.
The PADI Open Water course (the most important world organization that regulates the standard of diving) is the one for me. In four days they are able to learn and get off at a maximum depth of 18 meters. The choice of school was a pretty easy thing because in one of these, incidentally also recommended by Lonely Planet, it works a friend of Atika, Vannessa, known some years ago in Paris, one of my trips. Atika is precisely that puts me in touch with Vanessa, who has lived here for a year now studying to become a diving instructor, and I recommend its center that, besides being well qualified, gives me a good promotion. Pago 9800Bath (about 290euro), with 5 nights accommodation including two dives and more than normal. In short, compared to prices in Europe or elsewhere is really a gift. In spite of the arrivals
13, a day after beginning the course, or because my friends would be there one day and also because so I could explore a little catapult the island before reading the book and attend theory classes. The concepts to be learned were many, in fact, diving is not child's play, enter the bottom water results in a huge change in which our body is not accustomed to. For this we learn to breathe with the regulator, to know the equipment, to control our breathing, body compensate for the pressure, knowing how to react in an emergency, how to get down into the water, such as back, and a dozen other important notions. The manual that we give to be studied is very easy to read and complete the 5 chapters in just two days, with exercises and final exam. The best part is when it finally enters into the water and put into practice what you have learned in theory. Of course to me is also what I do best, I was always much more practical than theoretical in my things. The
My biggest concern, however, was not to be able to offset the pressure of hearing, given the problems I have when flying in aircraft at high altitudes. I knew it would not be easy for me, so I go on the water much more slowly than the other, trying to control and compensate every second.
But in the end, when you feel ready and we start 10-12 or 18-meter swim and you begin to feel part of a new world, until now completely unknown. Although a mask and a tube let you see the bottom and what it contains (up to a given depth depends on the visibility of the day), the ability to breathe and be able to venture out in waters off many meters deep and something unexplainable ... if you do not live in the bottom silence reigns supreme, the only thing you can hear is your breathing, the air that enters and exits your body in the form of bolliccine. The fish that swim around you are a thrill and beauty of color: clown fish, baracuda, rays, butterfly fish, angel fish, fish of all types and then the plants, corals, spectacular ...

Now a new adventure begins, the bottom of the sea will no longer be a mystery to me ...


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