Monday, October 11, 2010

Carolina Ap Bio Labs Answers


Click here for sottofodo sound

Why some people waste it?

Why do not realize that is all that someone might want?

And the best thing a person can have ...

without realizing what it means to have everything?
But in reality, what is life?
What a silly question ...
Almost no one has ever asked the yet now we are here to ask us ...
It 's something to build,

is a dream, a feeling
is a breath of happiness,
a battle
opportunity ...
The most beautiful thing ...
And why There is always someone to waste? Like for example with drugs?

What throws it away?

Why does not realize the importance?

And you live only once ...
And then I think ... Why wrong?

(although I can say that I'm the first to be wrong)

Because sometimes the laborer does not get anything and who does nothing is enriched and becomes''the best''?
But perhaps the wealth is not everything ...

Yet on television say they can not live without money ... Why?

It 's like saying that people without money can not be accepted in this world ... Why?

Why there must be the best?

We are not all equal?
But life is not

is so ugly ...

in life is feeling ...

Like for example the love ...

Who has not felt this wonderful feeling that makes you dream?
life is given to all those who before and after but I do not understand why God knows that we squander it gives us the same ...
"dream in his sleep because you can find what days you can not 'give ..."
Mal'importante is live and not betray you!

Anna Polimeni

PS: I do not know if the song is right, if anyone knows how could write the video link to francy.cavalleri (at )


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