Thursday, February 24, 2011

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Fight Maresca. Schiano letter arrives. The Committee continues to occupy. Latest updates

Update 23.00.
the committee will continue to occupy the town council hall to the bitter end, until the mayor will not release Borriello the official date of the meeting with CalabrĂ², Schiano, Russian and Arsan. And 'this is the decision of the committee pro Maresca, came after a stormy meeting inside, have emerged (and fought) the different souls of the committee.
remains the city demonstration organized for today, while on Monday the committee will join the protest of the sea.
Here is the text of the letter sent by Mr. Schiano to the Mayor of Tower of the Greek Ciro Borriello and pro Maresca Committee: "With regard to the implementation planning by the Company Napoli 3 South is that the lack of agreement with the ASL Napoli 1 center on the transfer of the professionalism of Gastroenterology PO Torre del Greek to PO Loreto Mare requires a review of the configuration of the garrison itself. This review should also take into account what has been programmed for the OP Boscotrecase. In particular, it refers to those whose OU full operation was subject to completion of healthcare facilities to be implemented by the same OP Boscotrecase. It rtiene, therefore, that the Company shall submit a new schedule based on the evidence given before. In light of the shows will go towards a determination of the Campania Region of: 1) Hospitals Boscotrecase meeting between the Greek and Torre. 2) Urology 12 hours and at the same time stay for at least 12 months of the First Sccorso Maresca.
The mayor believes that Borriello was a great step forward, "unthinkable not long ago," and invites the Committee to not pursue to the bitter end with the occupation of the council chamber: "Yesterday I postponed because I am with you, but I can not longer be pressured and intimidated by you. "
The Committee, for its part, will meet this afternoon to decide how to move forward. The spirits, however, are not the best: "This document - say - says, in essence, that 'since we have problems with moving the department of gastroenterology at Loreto Mare, for the moment we leave the Maresca. At the same time as this Torre remains in the Greek department, we leave open the emergency assistance for 12 months (ie the time to complete the hospital Boscotrecase). Plus we give you the urology department for 12 hours a day '. This document (including the non-registered), does not meet our demands. "
But the mayor raised:" The plan can not be changed, otherwise the funds are not released. This document does not change the shape of the plan, change the substance, which is what matters now. What else can I do is arrange a meeting with the Russian Arsan and Calabria ".

Arnaldo M. Iodice -


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