Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pikachu Learns Iron Tail

Bomb Tower of Greek, Russian, "we will not be intimidated by violence," Maresca

"We will not be intimidated by violence, but rather we will move forward on our road rebuilding what was destroyed without bending forms to blackmail '. This is the comment Peter Russo, president of Confcommercio of Naples and its province, following the 'explosion of a bomb in front of the shop of a merchant association also: Mario Amabile Tower of Greek, owner of a retail clothing franchise of a well-known, however, had reported that in 2008 a phenomenon extortion. "Do not lower our guard - continued Russian - and indeed we are and will always be close to colleagues throughout all tables in the area to upgrade institutional and finally put into motion the mechanisms of tourism and the economy in general. For this it is important to report these incidents, and for that Confcommercio is and will always be close even to those who are intimidated by collecting any anonymous reports to be able to fight a petty crime that is publicly becoming more intrusive and oppressive. "

release from Confcommercio


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