Monday, February 28, 2011

Legal Age Of Dirtbike

Greek Greek, blocked the masks of Carnival: the alarm racket

Here 's the "real commitment" to the problems of the administration of the city ....

TOWER OF GREEK - is fighting extortionists, also attentive to the masks of Carnival. The war in what could be the ultimate crime to make requests to the dealers, shoot from the city of Coral, where just over a week ago, the mafia has made his voice heard again, with a bomb-card that has shattered the windows of the store Original Marines in the central Via Roma.
the day when you met in the baronial palace security advisory, the presence of anti-racket and wear of the Region Commissioner, Franco Mallow, representatives of police and traders and Mario Amabile, the owner of the shop covered the last attack, the mayor signed an order which means' discipline - reads the text signed by Ciro Borriello - the use of masks during the carnival period in the light of recent acts of intimidation against other underworld businesses operating on national territory '.
The mayor did not write it but it is clear that the fear behind the disguises carnival can also hide the criminal, then ready to take action: "Our fear - Borriello says - is what estorsiori can also take advantage of this period to escape the control of law enforcement. So it seemed right to regulate all forms of celebration can turn into a real risk for commercial operators. "
So here is a complete ban until March 8 to "sell and use masks and clothing that may give rise to reasons, which disturb the order, public safety and offending, however, religion, morality and decency, in particular every artifice that can be configured in a gangster style. "
But it is also banned "dirty people, property and buildings with eggs, liquids and other hazardous materials similar; shoot fireworks in a public place, carry weapons or other instruments to offend. In any case - underscores the mayor - is obliged to remove the mask with each invitation of the authorities of public security.
The order is received with surprise, but viewed positively by the representatives of associations working for the benefit of those who rebel extortion: "So far - says Silvana Fucito, coordinator of the bell really anti-racket and wear - the extortion demands made by people in masks I have only seen on television, in fiction. In everyday life, I've never been to hear stories like that.
I remember that Carnival is considered a period year at risk as it happens at Christmas, Easter and August. That said, the Mayor of Tower of the Greek is still my personal applause: Borriello wanted to bring order to a party where often under curfew. If the order has extended also in the fight against the racket will have their reasons: either wants to be sighted or got wind of something, in any case has done well to sign this order. "

Teresa Iacomino -


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