Monday, February 28, 2011

My Hair Is Thinning In The Front, Help


The oil has altered the way we think has become frantic. Disposable, gasoline, nanoparticles. The "comfort" has destroyed our human dimension, our respect for others and the environment.

Masterbation Instructions Hypnotise

Petroleum Exhibition Tower Tower

Monday, February 28, at 18:00. Expected departure from Piazza Santa Croce.
The CGIL, in its efforts to work and rights, and considers it a priority: addressing the crisis of coral for the serious repercussions of employment, to support the struggle of the workers of Tirrenia, who are mostly residents in the cities of Herculaneum and Torre del Greek. The trade union of seafarers
protest is against the Berlusconi government and the Extraordinary Commissioner of Tirrenia failing to meet their commitments on September 6 2010 to "maintain current levels of employment and contract continuity in the process of privatization.
It 'necessary to reopen the discussion table at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers in order to obtain the following results: employment guarantees and conitnuità contractual rehabilitation of Durres and Bari-Genoa-Olbia; guarantees for the operation of the Redundancy Fund (CIGS) between the various business shifts to avoid disparities in salted taken into account in the process of sale of Tirrenia, lists of seasonal workers and the general duty to prevent them from being ousted permanently from any possibility of board after years insecurity.
are invited: workers, citizens, political forces and social institutions.


Legal Age Of Dirtbike

Greek Greek, blocked the masks of Carnival: the alarm racket

Here 's the "real commitment" to the problems of the administration of the city ....

TOWER OF GREEK - is fighting extortionists, also attentive to the masks of Carnival. The war in what could be the ultimate crime to make requests to the dealers, shoot from the city of Coral, where just over a week ago, the mafia has made his voice heard again, with a bomb-card that has shattered the windows of the store Original Marines in the central Via Roma.
the day when you met in the baronial palace security advisory, the presence of anti-racket and wear of the Region Commissioner, Franco Mallow, representatives of police and traders and Mario Amabile, the owner of the shop covered the last attack, the mayor signed an order which means' discipline - reads the text signed by Ciro Borriello - the use of masks during the carnival period in the light of recent acts of intimidation against other underworld businesses operating on national territory '.
The mayor did not write it but it is clear that the fear behind the disguises carnival can also hide the criminal, then ready to take action: "Our fear - Borriello says - is what estorsiori can also take advantage of this period to escape the control of law enforcement. So it seemed right to regulate all forms of celebration can turn into a real risk for commercial operators. "
So here is a complete ban until March 8 to "sell and use masks and clothing that may give rise to reasons, which disturb the order, public safety and offending, however, religion, morality and decency, in particular every artifice that can be configured in a gangster style. "
But it is also banned "dirty people, property and buildings with eggs, liquids and other hazardous materials similar; shoot fireworks in a public place, carry weapons or other instruments to offend. In any case - underscores the mayor - is obliged to remove the mask with each invitation of the authorities of public security.
The order is received with surprise, but viewed positively by the representatives of associations working for the benefit of those who rebel extortion: "So far - says Silvana Fucito, coordinator of the bell really anti-racket and wear - the extortion demands made by people in masks I have only seen on television, in fiction. In everyday life, I've never been to hear stories like that.
I remember that Carnival is considered a period year at risk as it happens at Christmas, Easter and August. That said, the Mayor of Tower of the Greek is still my personal applause: Borriello wanted to bring order to a party where often under curfew. If the order has extended also in the fight against the racket will have their reasons: either wants to be sighted or got wind of something, in any case has done well to sign this order. "

Teresa Iacomino -

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Pokemon Games Sheet Music

Fight Maresca. Schiano letter arrives. The Committee continues to occupy. Latest updates

Update 23.00.
the committee will continue to occupy the town council hall to the bitter end, until the mayor will not release Borriello the official date of the meeting with Calabrò, Schiano, Russian and Arsan. And 'this is the decision of the committee pro Maresca, came after a stormy meeting inside, have emerged (and fought) the different souls of the committee.
remains the city demonstration organized for today, while on Monday the committee will join the protest of the sea.
Here is the text of the letter sent by Mr. Schiano to the Mayor of Tower of the Greek Ciro Borriello and pro Maresca Committee: "With regard to the implementation planning by the Company Napoli 3 South is that the lack of agreement with the ASL Napoli 1 center on the transfer of the professionalism of Gastroenterology PO Torre del Greek to PO Loreto Mare requires a review of the configuration of the garrison itself. This review should also take into account what has been programmed for the OP Boscotrecase. In particular, it refers to those whose OU full operation was subject to completion of healthcare facilities to be implemented by the same OP Boscotrecase. It rtiene, therefore, that the Company shall submit a new schedule based on the evidence given before. In light of the shows will go towards a determination of the Campania Region of: 1) Hospitals Boscotrecase meeting between the Greek and Torre. 2) Urology 12 hours and at the same time stay for at least 12 months of the First Sccorso Maresca.
The mayor believes that Borriello was a great step forward, "unthinkable not long ago," and invites the Committee to not pursue to the bitter end with the occupation of the council chamber: "Yesterday I postponed because I am with you, but I can not longer be pressured and intimidated by you. "
The Committee, for its part, will meet this afternoon to decide how to move forward. The spirits, however, are not the best: "This document - say - says, in essence, that 'since we have problems with moving the department of gastroenterology at Loreto Mare, for the moment we leave the Maresca. At the same time as this Torre remains in the Greek department, we leave open the emergency assistance for 12 months (ie the time to complete the hospital Boscotrecase). Plus we give you the urology department for 12 hours a day '. This document (including the non-registered), does not meet our demands. "
But the mayor raised:" The plan can not be changed, otherwise the funds are not released. This document does not change the shape of the plan, change the substance, which is what matters now. What else can I do is arrange a meeting with the Russian Arsan and Calabria ".

Arnaldo M. Iodice -

Hemoglobin Normal Level In 2 Year Old

Gioacchino Genchi removed by police

The cop-Italy's most famous computer consultant was already suspended. Now comes the final measure. And 'he was to report the news on his blog. And the people on the Web already is mobilized

Gioacchino Genchi The assistant chief was dismissed by the police. So he decided, after a long investigation, the department of public safety. The measure, which bears the signature of the Chief of Police Antonio Manganelli, is dated February 15. A Genchi were not forgive some of his utterances.

"he continued stubbornly with ostentatious obstinacy (...) to establish a highly improper behavior in stark contrast with the duties that each member of the administration of state police solemnly took the oath at the time of appointment" . So says the decision to remove him: "He made statements on the content seriously affects the prestige of state institutions and organs, thereby causing dishonor to the image and honor of the administration of belonging." In the three pages of the decision are cited two incidents: a conference in Cervignano del Friuli, 6 December 2009, and a congress in Rome, February 6, 2010.
Genchi comments on his blog, entitled "legitimate defense" ( "Berlusconi has won." Interviewed in the program "The Mosquito", broadcast on Radio 24, said: "Really now come true the dream of Berlusconi. The measure was notified me a few hours ago, but I will certainly appeal to the TAR for a decision to I think it is illegitimate. " Jenkins calls into question the police chief: "The decision is yours, but you have to see who did make it to him. From the police chief, in fact, I recently received feedback for the final year of service, by a vote of very good. "
Gioacchino Genchi has worked for years alongside magistrates in Palermo and Caltanissetta have investigated the mysteries of what ours. E 'was also consultant to dozens of prosecutors throughout Italy. After an investigation by the prosecutor of Catanzaro Luigi De Magistris has been the subject of heavy controversy, judicial and political: the same Jenkins has come under investigation, the prosecutor in Rome for alleged violations of privacy. His self-defense He has entrusted to a book, written with journalist Edward Montolli: "The case of Jenkins, the story of a man at the mercy of the state". The vice
quaestor comes just dismissed the solidarity of Antonio Di Pietro: "The fault, as usual, is of those who serve the state and not of those who serve the state," says the president of Italy of Values, which continues: "We express solidarity Gioacchino Genchi and we're confident in his new life will prove, once again, that the servants of the State not intimidated and they go on defending the legality and the principles inscribed in our Charter.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pikachu Learns Iron Tail

Bomb Tower of Greek, Russian, "we will not be intimidated by violence," Maresca

"We will not be intimidated by violence, but rather we will move forward on our road rebuilding what was destroyed without bending forms to blackmail '. This is the comment Peter Russo, president of Confcommercio of Naples and its province, following the 'explosion of a bomb in front of the shop of a merchant association also: Mario Amabile Tower of Greek, owner of a retail clothing franchise of a well-known, however, had reported that in 2008 a phenomenon extortion. "Do not lower our guard - continued Russian - and indeed we are and will always be close to colleagues throughout all tables in the area to upgrade institutional and finally put into motion the mechanisms of tourism and the economy in general. For this it is important to report these incidents, and for that Confcommercio is and will always be close even to those who are intimidated by collecting any anonymous reports to be able to fight a petty crime that is publicly becoming more intrusive and oppressive. "

release from Confcommercio

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Petite North Face Jackets

Fight: Friday demonstration in Piazza Santa Croce

Just promises. Now we only accept the facts. The committee pro Maresca not want to hear more reasons. Tuesday sub Commissioner Joseph Zuccatelli of Health promised a meeting with the delegation torrese Caldoro: Zuccatelli has not made more alive. Borriello In the days before the mayor had given ample guarantees the permanence of the urology department within the structure of Montedoro way: the department Urology has been closed. What to do then? This was discussed yesterday at the headquarters of the neighborhood committee Rebirth. Outcome of the meeting: City protest Friday afternoon in Piazza Santa Croce.
"The protest is inevitable - they say the committee members -: we feel cheated by everyone. Also from our mayor, who should be the first to fight with us, and yet each time the contacts try to put off the confrontation. " Without this, it never went down to the committee. Why are reports from Naples strange: it seems that the technique will change anything in the Plan Regional Hospital has been there. But would not the local political will. As evidenced by the last Burc Region Campania: the Committee heard that changes to the plan Zuccatelli there are. But any concerns that the Maresca. This is because the only corrections made concerning aspects of the economy and the risks. "It's the fault of Borriello if we are in this situation," someone yells. "Not true. It's the fault of his predecessors and citizens of Greek Tower, "says someone else. The fact is that more and more it goes on the road is pressing the space for maneuver decrease each day. Concrete action is needed. A striking manifestation. Unexpected.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011 by Arnaldo M. Iodice -

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Good Rock Climbing Brands

Va 'pensiero, Psalm 137 and Quasimodo

We propose a comparison of Verdi's famous patriotic song, Psalm 137 and jew's sonnet Quasimodo the branches of willows.

Along the rivers there in Babylon, on the banks
sat in tears at the memory
Heartbreaking Zion
above the willows, there in that land, the harps hung
infamous oppressors and torturers
chiedevan us our songs,
after having put in chains, the songs of joy
"Intonateci the songs of Zion." Could we perhaps

sing psalms and hymns of our God
in that sad country?
My right is paralyzed
if you forget, or Jerusalem.
I will stick his tongue to the palate
if just for a moment I leave
to think of you, my Jerusalem
unless I ask you, Jerusalem,
above my chief joy.
You remember the children of Edom:
God As the day Supreme against Jerusalem
"Destroy the walls, break down,
destroyed its foundations."
Babylon, mother of death,
unfortunate city, who is blessed
makes you the same infamy
Blessed is he who seizes your children
and crushes them against the rock.

Va 'Pensiero
Va, pensiero, on wings of gold;
should, rest on Clive, the hills, where odor
tepid and soft
The sweet breezes of the native land!
Greet the banks of the Jordan,
of Zion the towers ...
Oh my country so lovely and lost!
O so dear and fatal!
Arpa d'or of the prophetic, because it changes from willow
rekindle the memories in his chest,
us about the time that was! O
similar fates
Solima to draw a sound of lament, the Lord inspires
That may give a concert to endure our suffering!

the branches of willows
And how could we sing
With foreign foot above the heart,
abandoned among the dead grass in the squares
hard ice, the lament of the lamb
children, all '
scream black mother who went to meet his son
crucified on a telegraph pole?
the branches of willows, to vote,
also hung our harps, swaying slightly
the sad wind.

There are many common areas that reflect the common poetic inspiration Verdi's and Quasimodo.