Thursday, November 4, 2010

Does Phlegm Taste Like Blood?

9 months, 8 countries, only a trip ...

November 5, 2010 October 27

The last I left Thailand entering Malaysia. It is from here that the November 8, between 3 days exactly, to 21.30, the plane will take me to the Australian land.

I spent eight days on the island of Pangkor, in the center-west of the Malay Peninsula. In fact, I wanted a place that would allow me to meditate on a big stage of my journey is ending and another about to begin.
Change country this time is not as far to go from Vietnam to Cambodia, Malaysia or Indonesia or India to Nepal. The change that I'm doing is much bigger. On the one hand, the size, but I am not in a nation almost a continent. Twenty-five thousand eight hundred kilometers (25 800) is the perimeter of this land. Eight hours of flying I have to take to get from Kuala Lumpur to Brisbane. Twenty-four hours of air that separates it from Italy.
On the other hand there is the time. Thanks to a special government agreement between Australia and some European countries and North America, I was able to apply for a visa called Working Holiday (working holiday) that allows me to stay a year in this land with the opportunity to do seasonal work and then I could keep. This visa is valid up to 30 years of age and given the size of the country, is the only way to fully understand their unique needs, culture and lifestyle. In addition to Australia, like India, is a travel destination that dream since I was little. The stories that make it famous as a paradise for surfers, paradise beaches, friendly people and open landscapes that you refer to past ages and his Aboriginal culture, so deeply, so tied to the land and so spiritual, I have always dreamed of a paradise on Earth, and now, finally, you can see with my eyes The veracity of these stories.
Another peculiarity of this trip is that after 9 months in the company of Jordi, I'll leave alone. Now everything is in my hands, I will have no one to share as it was so far all the moments start to finish the journey. Parts only, but will not be alone, I know well. Thousands of travelers, like me, from Europe, Asia and North America, traveling to Australia for a long time, I know that many people know them, and among travelers, you know, you always try to stay together and give understand one another, I lived during these months.
the fact I'm not afraid to travel alone, although he was traveling with Jordi a unique experience, the best travel companion I had ever imagined. But now it's time to prove myself in every way and rely only on my shovel, as I try to do some time in my life.

Pangkor In these eight days I was able to reflect much. One reason is because there was not much to do on this island. Unfortunately I was not very lucky with the weather. Moreover, Pangkor Island is not well organized by the tourist point of view, this does not mean that the dream of backpackers, because unfortunately its inhabitants have a culture of environmental protection, so you can see in many places more populated areas, and beaches, all kinds of garbage, which made me really mad.
The lack of tourists, a beautiful and comfortable room at a hotel run by nice people and friendly, have meant that these days were very relaxing and facilitated meditation.
were so many pictures that appeared in my mind going over the 9 months of travel and 8 Countries visited: India, Nepal, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand. Surely there are many, but they are also many places that I left hanging: Laos, Burma, Borneo, the Philippines and some Indonesian islands, perhaps to return from Australia ... The album

of pictures that I created on facebook these days, from the idea of \u200b\u200bthe best moments of this "first part" of my trip. I've collected 100 of the several photos that have captured a few moments of the past nine months. It was not easy to select only 100 images, but in the end I think the outcome would be appreciated, a good way to summarize these months of adventure, research, meetings and personal changes that will always bring in me, for life.

The excitement for the "second part" of the trip is so, the expectations of even, is not nice to start with high expectations I know, but i heard positive comments about Australia are so many that I can not dream Aperti ad occhi. Fra 5 giorni meno di questi sogni e realtà colt diventeranno raccontare com'è person in prima la vita in terra Ozzy.


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