Thursday, November 25, 2010

Should U Have Cervical Mucous Before Period


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Very few people in our countries, have not heard of fair trade and solidarity. This type of trade is based on a direct relationship between the producer and the company selling its product, that is not what normally happens in companies where there are many intermediaries.

Thus, the system used by multinational corporations, there are many costs that increase as the product gets to the consumer: transportation, manufacturing, advertising, packaging ... Of course, to make ends meet is cut on the regular pay of those who actually worked to produce the raw material, ie the poor farmers of the Third World. The difference that fair trade comes to mind has to respect the rights of workers by guaranteeing a direct and a steady paycheck and justly remunerated his work. Even if the prices of sugar, coffee, cocoa and cc. have settled in the rich countries committed to fair trade do not go under a minimum wage.

But like all good things (or at least I am apparently) also fair trade is often viewed with skepticism, but the products will be healthy? Comply with hygiene standards? And because they cost more?

must be clear to define these aspects: in addition to being perfectly in accordance with all rules of the European Union, many of the crops have also chosen to use agriculture which is fair also to the nature or organic farming.

For my part, I'm thinking that there are also negative aspects, but also forcing myself I can not find, except for a slight difference a price that is more than compensated by the quality of products and awareness for assisting someone.

I declare clearly in favor of fair trade, for reasons which are also the most important of the trade:

-Farmers immediate help, which allows him to immediately start to produce and do not have to be reduced to the workers for multinationals. In fact, the few independent farmers are disadvantaged by the multinationals of various elements such as climate, price changes, family needs, and can not produce enough.

-In the long run, restoring the money in these poor areas it begins to turn the local economy, and therefore can be set aside money to purchase items socially useful or expanding community of farmers to other villages and in so doing help other people.

The idea of \u200b\u200bfair trade is not very old, the development since World War II and the first association in Italy was the CTM, still the most important.

The most important step, which is also the final one, all fair trade is the sale, which usually is run by volunteers.

A downside is that, perhaps for lack of organization or lack of funds, for me it has too on volunteering: it is true that it is only right to help for nothing but the feeling now is being lost.

Knowing more from these groups could seek to give mutual help because everything looks like the world trade, although it would certainly be a "revolution" in the long term.

Francesco Cavalleri


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