Thursday, September 3, 2009

Clear/egg White Discharge Instead Of Period

the call of Freedom

" The Call of the Wild " belongs to those most likely books with which each of us comes in contact while still young, when you have the innocent soul and was always ready to daydream, just as the novels of Verne and Salgari.
I though, I only recently discovered the pleasure and satisfaction you feel when you read a good book, and now my thirst for knowledge and adventure seems to have no end.
Here I am, therefore, that I find myself 25 years to travel with the fantasy to the cold lands of the North to live the adventures of Buck, a German shepherd that has gradually rediscovered his instincts and his freedom.
Buck reminded me how life is a continual struggle, ruthless and cruel, from which we can not afford to be distracted for a moment.
It reminded me of the "Law
and stick tusk."
This novel is a veritable hymn to freedom
and "feel" the last howl of Buck after it finally reached me and filled my heart with joy at the same time of melancholy, as they are well aware that we men, true freedom is not granted. We
fact, it is impossible to return wolves and thus pure. E 'given only to fight for a dream, a utopia ... The story of Buck concludes, perhaps not coincidentally, with the story of his legend.
E 'then this a book that every person regardless of age, should read ... at least to keep on dreaming!


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