Saturday, September 12, 2009

35th Birthday Invitation Quotes

"The Old Man and the Sea" by Ernest Hemingway

I'm sorry, but really I find it hard to understand why this novel is been so highly praised.
Besides the nice message you want to, of never giving up despite the many difficulties that life imposes on us, I can not take no more than ecstatic, as I write Hemingway's (immensely simple, repetitive, obvious ...) let alone the story itself.
I finished reading it just because they believe that every book, like a movie, go over and then be able to draw conclusions ... but if it were not for this, nothing I would go further enticed into reading, no image kept me tied up with the fantasy there in the sea along with the old fisherman ... and this saddens me very much!
clashed Something in this book as much as a wrong note played in an agreement ...
My opinion is still just my opinion, and I know well, there is no one to recommend or not I leave this book ... then you the freedom to express yourself on this novel told by many " a model of heroic literature of the twentieth century !


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