Wednesday, July 8, 2009

How To Block Numbers Reclaim

Dave Matthews concert in Lucca

A three days later, whenever I think back to the concert of 5 Lucca in July, continues to enter into a kind of fantastic delusion, euphoria, disbelief and immense satisfaction ... I feel so many of those emotions, so strong, that the words to come out stale!

MUSIC EXPRESS HIS nth power !!!!!!!!

That's what this concert was!
Flawless, sublime, amazing, unique, unforgettable, proud, feisty, sweet, sad, mad, surreal ... I could go on for hours, I tell you !!!!!

Let's start with the description of this order unforgettable adventure , which has played a key role myself, her sister Alexandra, and his cousin Sabrina Francis.

are more or less 8:30 in the morning (maybe 9:00) and finally we start traveling to Lucca ... The road ahead was great and the "diversion" is not were less ... Due to a cycling race, we were forced to stretch and change our path does not know how many times, but to keep us company were CDs Dave, who reminded us what was blaring the reason for our trip, so let us not take too much panic, we have not given up before those contingencies and we went ahead undaunted to our favorite destination for ginge finally healthy, safe and victorious in Lucca, at about past 14:00!!
A votla arrived, we were refreshed and rested in the shade of a tree for a few hours, then stroll through the alleyways of this small town, waiting for the concert began.
For my part, I avoided hanging out too much and look around for fear of being involved in meetings, I would certainly have done little to prove not
melancholy ... in return I met Manuel, a neighbor of mine, Robertino and friend, who never met even if it wanted, yet I find him great pleasure here in Lucca!

At about 18:00 the organizers (badly organized) and close the empty square, then reopen it for an hour and a half later. .. and do that line in order to come was a real agony .. the heat was so strange (I think even the ears have sweaty!), tired legs, swollen and sore, all been waiting with anxiety a few drops of rain, which would could rejoice a little, but that despite the clouds and thunder, it was not done living.
And so, in a few impromptu chat and song, the long-awaited moment had finally come .. they opened the fences, ripped up the ticket and ... viaaaa running towards the stage to get the best seats! And I must say that our position was not bad, we were at a proper distance that allowed us to listen well and above all to see more or less all over the stage, especially Dave!

I think it is unnecessary to add additional comments on how it was the concert ... I wish however to point out that on stage, in addition to the full band was also AMAZING TIM RAYNOLDDS we cheered and fumentato with his superb guitar solos!
So after about three hours together, about one o'clock at night, exhausted but immensely happy now we put back into the car and then returned to Rome at 5:30 am the next morning!

Well ... this was definitely a UNFORGETTABLE DAY!

Ps: Do not load any videos of the concert, unless you do not want to feel bad for the thousands of "shake" .. but I have seen on YouTube there are also several good quality! ;-)


Do not Drink The Water
Shake Me Like A Monkey
You Might Die Trying
Funny The Way It Is So Damn Lucky

Everyday # 41 Crash Into Me

Lying In The Hands Of God
Jimi Thing
Why I Am The Dreaming Tree

Alligator Pie
Ants Marching
Dive In
Two Step
Rye Whiskey
Pantala Naga Pampa Rapunzel


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