Thursday, July 2, 2009

Band Freshman Initiation

Federica struggling with job ...!

I know! It is strange even to me, the undersigned has started working, but what happened last week!
Jobs Real Estate Agency. At the moment this is a temporary thing, or until the end of July and possibly August.
If I wanted to and if all goes well, in September I might decide to stay and work for this agency, except that I do this full time, unlike now that I work half a day, which implies many difficulties and opportunities to continue his studies ... and then I'll have to think very carefully about this choice that obviously will lead to material changes in my life ... And I have to admit that fear of failure, it is not little!

How is my new working experience?!?
Just look at the photos I uploaded to get more or less an idea!!
I'm not saying that relates to my desk just in those conditions so critical ... but only and exclusively because they are addicted to the order, but I have plenty of work to do inimmagginabile, and every day you add new requests!
But I must say that this is work I like more and more .. Maybe because when I was little I was fascinated to observe my mother who worked in the office.
I know, not a great ambition to want to work as a secretary or cmq employed by someone else ... but you know, I never had ambitions are too big for that which concerns the work.
aspire more to the possibility of being able to be a strong woman and serene, able to travel and meet new people, become a good pianist but only to give voice to my feelings.

As usual, I dwell too much, but it is true that if I do here, which is the corner of my thoughts where else?!?! ^. ^


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