Sunday, August 1, 2010

How To Slow Down Speed On Vba

Indonesia Selamat Tinggal

adventure in Indonesia is coming to an end. Tomorrow we will leave this country to begin a new adventure ever in Southeast Asia. It will be the turn of Vietnam, a country that fascinates us particularly, for its past, its culture and people said to be very friendly, especially in the north.
left Indonesia a bit with like, a little wistfully. It is a country that has given us a lot, its very nice people, their friendliness and respect for the tourist, beautiful landscapes, the blend of culture, religion and tradition in this archipelago of thousands of islands different from each other.

The last two weeks we spent traveling to Java, the third largest island in the Indonesian archipelago and the island which hosts the capital Jakarta.
leaving Bali, we visited the volcanoes that inhabit this island, including Djeng and Ijen Plateau, with its rich craters sulfide and the Martian environment, but what fascinated us most, the most beautiful ever was Bromo, a unique place in the world. Four volcanoes, two of which are active in the same green expanse forming a frame just for those who decide to visit this idyllic grandeur of nature in central Java. It is worth waking up at three in the morning, do a little hiking an hour and a half and wait for the sunrise from a point where you see the four craters in a breathtaking landscape.
delighted by this wonderful experience to Bromo, on the way to Yojyakarta, a small incident has made the journey lost monotony. From the pocket of the backpack, surprisingly disappears from my wallet with all my travel documents, credit cards, sim cards and cash. The biggest problem in these cases is the loss of the passport, without it you can not move the country in two weeks and I had to fly to Vietnam.
But thanks, I must say the truth, my speed and excellent problem solving skills, learned in the course of my life, everything has a solution in time (well almost everything, tomorrow I go to withdraw permission to leave the country by ' Immigration Office in Jakarta). However, I am always of the opinion that the problems can be solved as they come. Once you have lost everything need not cry, do not you back or you do not reappear for the Holy Spirit what you missed, so, one takes stock of the situation and see how to solve the problem. When you arrive at Yoyjakarta I first canceled the credit cards (we were missing just that I've stolen all the millions in the bank from the station !!!), I made where I have a document certifying loss of objects. With that document, I went the day after the local police station to report the incident. With the complaint in hand call the Italian Embassy in Jakarta which I say that because I am traveling in different countries I had to redo the passport and that meant waiting two or three weeks. Of course I had all this time, I need a passport within 10 days. After submitting all the required documents that I e-mail (complaint, passport application form, passport copy old), the embassy for his part he needed clearance from the police of Taranto, where my old passport was issued, and an authorization to proceed with the issuance of again by the Italian Embassy in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bas registered in the AIRE (Association of Italians living abroad). Two institutions in two different countries had to respond to a fax sent from Indonesia with the signature of the delegate to ensure that the embassy in Jakarta could do emetttere the new document. One thing, in a country where everything works, where bureaucracy is fast and people working with professional, cost more than 1-2 days, the case of an emergency ... well, since we are talking about Italian institutions, including one south, the time stretched to three weeks, 21 days to respond to a fax we realize?? What that would mean that the citizens of the State concerned on the other side of the world, undocumented and dinero, would lose the aircraft and should have stayed in Jakarta to wait for replies from the authorities with all the economic costs of the case .. .. everything wrong with me, so I put the hands of the contacts and the day after I got in touch with Daniel Perrucci, big piece of the Carabinieri of Salerno, and Rosa Llurba, administrative manager of the Italian Camara of Commerce of Barcelona . The two of them with great affection and patience have contacted with the respective institution English and Italian to accelerate time. The authorization from the embassy arrived in Barcelona after 1 day and cleared by the police after four days of Taranto. On Monday, after a week from happening I called the embassy in Jakarta to tell me that they had all the necessary documents to proceed with the release of the new passport and that I could withdraw on July 30, my birthday!
Now, the time now, I have a passport with a new number and new date of issue will be the date of birth of the undersigned ... ijijijij

Apart from that annoying hiccup, the adventure has a Java seen fluttering with the bikes in the suburbs of Yoyjakarta to visit various Buddhist and Hindu temples that are located in those areas. The complex Boroboduru us really fascinating. Hundreds of Buddhas and stupas placed on a pyramid, Chichen Itza stylus, represent the universe in the land according to ancient Hindu-Buddhist philosophy. One of the most important monuments in the world heritage of UNESCO.

Yojyakarta rest 5 days in the company of Vincent, a Belgian guy known to Ijen Plateau, and with him we turn the city, the temples and relax in the quiet tourist town of Yogya.

before going to Jakarta, where tomorrow will take the plane to Ho Chi Minh City, only to pass, the ancient capital of the state, Bogor, where he delights us a nice walk in the largest botanical garden in the capital, and finally arrive at the capital, where we visit the National Monument, a large obelisk located in the center of a huge square surrounded by trees and offers a breathtaking view of the city from the tower ; the National Museum, a collection of ceramics, precious objects, skeletons of prehistoric finds, artillery, statues and objects typical indonesia.

The city of Jakarta is incredibly modern, the people here are different from the rest of the population, you see more cosmopolitan, more snobbish. There is a contrast reflected also looking at the prices of things are higher than the rest of the country, is the price of modernity and economic development ...

Tomorrow will begin a new adventure, the adrenaline is already a thousand, who knows what will meet in this new country, how will the people, food, landscapes, air ... the idea of \u200b\u200barriving in a ' other country makes this unique journey is like being reborn every time he arrives at a port or airport again, is the essence of life, the experience of what is in the world, to grasp all its fruits ...

For the moment, "Terima Kasih" Indonesia for welcoming us into your arms. Until next time!


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