Tuesday, April 27, 2010
What Do The Neuromusculoskeletal Do?
Vipassana Centre Chakka, Sarnath, India April 24, 2010
Before Anna, my friend in Madrid, one of the important people met during this trip, I spoke for the first time of Vipassana, I had not the slightest idea of \u200b\u200bwhat it to be. If it were not for her, probably at this time I would not be here, in one of the hundreds of Vipassana centers around the world.
Surely you may be wondering what the hell is this Vipassana or probably those who are in this world mystical / spiritual practice and meditation techniques, they will know that I am referring to.
you do a little introduction to the topic:
Vipassana is one of the oldest techniques meditation born in India. A long forgotten by humanity, was rediscovered by Gotama the Buddha more than 2500 years ago. Vipassana, translated from the ancient Pali language (language that was spoken in northern India at the time of the Buddha) means "insight" = see things as they really are. It is in fact a process of self-observation.
The technique works this way: we start looking at the natural breathing by keeping the mind focused. With deep understanding, we proceed to observe natural changes of body and mind (Sankara) and thus experience the universal truths of impermanence, suffering and alienation. The discovery of truth through direct experience, is the process of purification. The entire path (Dhamma) is a panacea for all problems and has nothing to do with religious organizations or seven. For this reason it can be practiced freely by all without distinction of race, caste or religion in any place at any time.
This is the same technique by which the Buddha light.
Light means the complete purification of the soul, or even said, reaching a state of nirvana.
This is not a technique that is used to treat physical illnesses, such as Reiki can be, but what it does and uprooted the psychosomatic discomforts that do not allow human beings to live a life peace, harmony and love with himself and others.
This course is, without doubt, one of the hardest things I've done in my life.
It is based on a period of 10 days locked up in a center (monaco style), away from development as much as possible, and where you can not get in contact with any outside influence.
The center itself is well-organized. Everyone has their own room with a bathroom, the greatest of ease, this is the bed for example is a wooden board with a mattress of 3 cm, but at least the windows have mosquito nets and there is a fan that works when there is All students off the current, to enter, they must accept a number of rules and codes of conduct, as for example, can not for any reason during the 10 days (which is reduced to 9) to talk to anyone except the teacher or the staff of the Centre for reasons that relate to technical problems or housing or food. No form of communication then is allowed, it is gestural, written, sign language, etc ... It is not so for obvious reasons not possible to use electronic items such as mobile phones, computers, cameras, video cameras, radio, in short, everything that can distract the mind from the activity of meditation. You can not use religious artifacts (amulets, rosaries, etc.).. Also during the 10 days, students must follow the precepts: 1) Do not kill any living being, 2) Do not steal (the doors of the rooms left open) 3) Do not engage in sexual activities (men and women are divided into two separate airlines) 4) Do not tell lies; 5) Do not use toxic substances (including tobacco).
As you can see the rules are not few but this is not at all if you plan to do it for the benefit and safety of students.
These rules are an integral part of meditation practice. Not talk to anyone you can meditate even outside the fixed hours of meditation. Now for example I'm breaking a rule, namely that they can not read or write, but since I'm writing on Vipassana, I think forgive me ...
the hardest thing of course is without a doubt the timetable (working hours).
For 10 days we have to do a very hard time. It starts at 4 am with the bells ring in celebration (and do not need the earplugs, they feel the same, already tested!). From 4.30 to 6.30 starts with meditation, and for me this time is more difficult to do so, the mind is completely asleep, an inhuman effort also thinking that the stomach is vuotissimo (the last meal, the 17 of you day before).
break breakfast from 6.30 to 7.15, provided that meals are Indian style, but I got over it a long time ...
from 7.15 or when you finish your breakfast, for me to take no longer than 15 minutes, until 8 am there is the rest, and where there is a return to sleep and recover quell'oretta I needed to complete sleep. From 8 to 11
meditation with a 15 minute break in between. From 11 to 12 lunch, then rest up to 13 after which it returns to meditate until 17. To 5, how good the former British colony, tea time and it is the dinner ...
from 18 to 19 and from 19 to 20.30 meditation is listening to a cassette (nu 'pic heavy) on the theory of Vipassana Goenka explained by the Guru, one who has reported on the practice of Vipassana in our time, after years of neglect. At 20.30
returns in the dhamma hall, where the group meets to meditate for the last half hour of meditation before the interview with the teacher (optional) and good night.
A special mention must be the teacher, or in my case, the teacher. Will I have around 60 years old, is a little lady so pretty and good, it seems peace in person, you may be contemplating a full day in the same position without moving an inch, you lose herself completely. Then when he speaks to the goodness comes from the mouth, a holy woman!
The course I can assure you that it is very hard, the hours are terrible, especially the two hours of meditation at 4.30 am, then if you think there must be "able" to sit in same position on a cushion on the floor and legs crossed (If you know then put her legs in lotus position you are great!). At the beginning is a real torture but then when you begin to practice the technique and you can control the mind and to shift the focus on the goal of meditation see that the sensation of pain is just a feeling. Let me explain.
The course objective is to be able to see things as they really are, for this you will work on bodily sensations. As the body without a mind is nothing without the body and the mind is everything, you try to remove the link between the two, which work at very high levels of awareness and are unable to reach a state of "nirvana" (Or peace of mind, bliss).
work, as I said, is based on awareness of feelings that appear in every corner of our body. The sensations, if you notice, come and go, never permanent (Anicca) seen in this way allows us to another understanding of the reality of things that can be applied well to everyday life. Also observing the sensations with equanimity, without giving any meaning or etiquette (feeling hot, "I'm sweating, I have to wipe the sweat, feeling of cramp in my leg," Oh, that bad, I have to change position, feeling itch "I have to scratch", etc. ...), observing simply objectively, fairly, and observing all of our body in this way, we can see that in every inch of our body there is a particle moving in a vibrant and that the way to a feeling. If we observe these particles, which are nothing but subatomic particles that are born, die and are transformed in our bodies, if we look objectively hear only a stream vibration in your body and will give us a new awareness of ourselves.
Although this technique is not easy, the 10-day course possible to reach a high enough level of understanding, even if the work to be done is much longer and should be continued after.
If you want more information on the technique of Vipassana Dhamma and the path and find the meditation center nearest you, please visit the official website www.dhamma.org
[25/04/2010] These 10 days without contact with anyone without external influences, are days of introspection to 360 º. Although through meditation you try to control the mind, it is normal to sometimes lose control and be kept on travel in the past. Come to mind memories, images, moments, smells, experiences, emotions experienced, the people you loved and you love. Many people have appeared in my mind these days, perhaps almost all those I met during my life or rather those who left me a sign, positive or negative.
This technique teaches that in life nothing is permanent, everything is constantly changing and that we must leave the past behind and look at this at the moment. There are many things in my past that I remember with pleasure and others with less pleasure, but you have to look at today and things have happened yesterday if it were to happen is, all this for me to become what they are today. A special thought, many times appeared in my mind these days, it goes to my family, my father and my father never hindered me in the decisions taken by me though them, I know, have been and continue to be, chosen I thought so in dure.Vi These days my parents and, looking through the eyes of today, I can say I'm really proud of you than you are changed and are changing in recent years. We really want a lot of good.
Another thought goes to my dear sister, the companion of my childhood. How many do we go Zeudína eh? I think back to when we were piccoi and I get tears in my eyes, even if you could not tell you or prove it in my own way (sometimes violent ways ...) I wanted a lot of good and now even more, and can not imagine what can not imagine how proud of the woman you have become now, the value that you have to do the work you do and the passion that you put in, you're such a sister. And finally, in chronological order, My love, the light that came into our house 17 years ago and has contributed to great change ... do not know how special you are to me my little brother and how well you want. Sorry if they are still far away and perhaps at times when there are maybe we'd want, I'm sorry if I am not doing properly the image of his older brother, but I know you're an intelligent person and you understand that this is my way. No matter where in the world I am, you always know which are yours forever, Whenever, Wherever!
This frame can not be completed without the memory of two people for me only. My spiritual father, who showed me the way CDE and then one day in a dream, when we left, I said "Go now, make your way ...". The person with his love has given me that confidence in myself that allows me to move forward in life, the value that allows me to always keep your head on your shoulders. Do you always carry with me uncle, I'll love you forever ...
The other person can not only be my second mother, a woman with a capital D (as a noble woman and said another cantantessa) as a few today. You men faced with an impressive force the bloody battles that life could give, but we're doing, you're managing to keep going and be strong, I'm proud of you aunt, always be strong and always looking forward. I want a world of good.
I apologize to readers of the blog if it ultimately post has turned into a letter of thanks, but I could not write these thoughts that are emerging these days in this place so special. Now I go to sleep I'm breaking the rule to turn off the lights at 21.30. Good night!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Curved Lines On Rear Projection Tv
Vipassana in the sacred city of the Ganges
Every 12 years in India is celebrated an event of global importance: the Kumbh Mela. It is the largest meeting in the world, more than 120 million people cared for in the city where we celebrate, the city in question is washed by the holy river Ganges. This year, the city in question is Haridwar. The exact date is established based on the position of certain stars in the sky (I can not remember well what I advise) This year will be from 14 January to 14 April.
We could not run this event important, so we decided to go to Rishikesh, 20 km from Haridwar, a holy city and also the world capital of yoga. Ashrams and yoga schools in this city are numerous, and the offering of tourist guest houses and restaurants, so we decided to bring us here thinking that Hardiwar search for accommodation would be more difficult and also because most of the people we met along the way there advised him ... We arrive in Rishikesh with Jordi
Gemma and after 14 hours of travel by bus from Shimla. We establish a guest house recommended by a driver of rickshow, we rely on him because due to the arrival time (22:00) could not think of trying something alone and without advance booking would be complicated.
From about a week I was reading a book that has given me Gemma, where the author makes a study on approfondido coincidences, due to personal life experiences accadutegli. The book, "The mystery of coincidences" written by Zancolla I was really impressed. The author deals with in a scientific-spiritual connections and the mechanics of a rational explanation does not rule out the mystical side of things.
This little prologue comes from the fact that the day after arriving in Rishikesh and bringing us to the banks of the Ganges, not yet know the city, looking for a place to have breakfast we enter the first hotel that we feel can give us a good breakfast.
After half an hour suddenly enters a person who knew and who had also spoken to Gemma. Our eyes are filled with emotion when Maika [the godmother of the girl taken to Anantapur for adoption, do you remember?] Also enters you in that restaurant ...
We embrace an incredible affection and while we eat our typical muesli-fruit-curd (yoghurt with muesli and fruit) tells us about his adventures after he had left us at Anantapur. The only option was a week before returning to Spain. We stay all day with her that makes us a little city guide, leads us in a small beach on the banks of the Ganges, where, given the intense heat, many people come to bathe in icy waters. One of the striking things in Rishikesh is just the sand in the Ganges, which besides being very clear it looks like a diamond sand grains, fine silver mean that the sand of the city is mystical. Of course I picked up a little and put in a bottle to keep it!
Rishikesh The impression which makes us unique is the first time, thousands of people walking the streets and going in the many temples and bathing in the river in one of Gath (stairways that end in the river), and using the sacred water to purify themselves of their sins and doing their prayers.
The atmosphere is really relaxing to Rishikesh, if I could I would be here for at least a month, like many young adventurers do, but my visa will expire in 2 weeks and I have to leave India and return must be at least 2 months out.
The days pass quickly in Rishikesh, April 6 Ledicia reach us, Anna and her husband, the girls in Madrid known to Sonrisas de Bombay and found to Om Beach. Jhoanna with them is also a volunteer known in the Vicente Ferrer Foundation who decided to join me in our journey and Jordi. Let's see how it will go ...
Given the large group decided to take a room in the ashram of Parmath Nikatem but in the end I just went, Gemma and madrilegni 3, Jordi Jhoanna and decided to stay in a guest house.
The ashram is a spiritual place of meditation where everyone can come and choose to stay but then it follows its own rules of the ashram, some very basic (do not use alcohol, tobacco, respecting the opening and closing, enjoy the silence during meals and after a certain hour of the night, etc ...). The ashram is often guided by a Swami (guru) who can teach life (a kind of priest saw in the Catholic view). Ashram you can follow various activities, among which we have done Hatha yoga (from 6 pm to 7 am), Kundalini Yoga (from 11.30 to 13) Kundalini and Meditation (from 20.30 to 21).
We were really excited about the course of Kundalini yoga and meditation. This technique is based on the chanting of mantras (in Sanskrit words to utter only produce a vibration within the body and help to circulate the energy through the 7 chakras), the music is always present during kundalini yoga and medition . Our teacher is a girl who was a student of Newyorkina most important teacher of kundalini yoga in the world. The first time I tried this technique was during a meditation class and I was really impressed that in just half an hour he could feel a strong energy vibrate my whole body ... the same feeling felt after 3 hours of Reiki.
After this experience I'm sure you want to continue with this amazing technique.
One of the old days we go to Haridwar to Rishikesh, we could not go and see the city where we celebrate the Kumbh Mela. We remain enchanted by the mass of people present, from the organization to accommodate the thousands of people from all over India. The rituals that take place on the banks of the Ganges are very strong emotion. Women, men, children, old people, of all ages, all walks of life to bathe in the holy waters of the Ganges offering their puja (prayer accompanied by the donation of a small plate covered with flower petals, candles and incense) to the River. I leave
Rishikesh with a heavy heart and a strong mystical atmosphere that reigns here, but my journey to follow. Now I wait 24 hours to train to Bodhgaya, where the city lights and Siddhartha became the Buddha.
Every 12 years in India is celebrated an event of global importance: the Kumbh Mela. It is the largest meeting in the world, more than 120 million people cared for in the city where we celebrate, the city in question is washed by the holy river Ganges. This year, the city in question is Haridwar. The exact date is established based on the position of certain stars in the sky (I can not remember well what I advise) This year will be from 14 January to 14 April.
We could not run this event important, so we decided to go to Rishikesh, 20 km from Haridwar, a holy city and also the world capital of yoga. Ashrams and yoga schools in this city are numerous, and the offering of tourist guest houses and restaurants, so we decided to bring us here thinking that Hardiwar search for accommodation would be more difficult and also because most of the people we met along the way there advised him ... We arrive in Rishikesh with Jordi
Gemma and after 14 hours of travel by bus from Shimla. We establish a guest house recommended by a driver of rickshow, we rely on him because due to the arrival time (22:00) could not think of trying something alone and without advance booking would be complicated.
From about a week I was reading a book that has given me Gemma, where the author makes a study on approfondido coincidences, due to personal life experiences accadutegli. The book, "The mystery of coincidences" written by Zancolla I was really impressed. The author deals with in a scientific-spiritual connections and the mechanics of a rational explanation does not rule out the mystical side of things.
This little prologue comes from the fact that the day after arriving in Rishikesh and bringing us to the banks of the Ganges, not yet know the city, looking for a place to have breakfast we enter the first hotel that we feel can give us a good breakfast.
After half an hour suddenly enters a person who knew and who had also spoken to Gemma. Our eyes are filled with emotion when Maika [the godmother of the girl taken to Anantapur for adoption, do you remember?] Also enters you in that restaurant ...
We embrace an incredible affection and while we eat our typical muesli-fruit-curd (yoghurt with muesli and fruit) tells us about his adventures after he had left us at Anantapur. The only option was a week before returning to Spain. We stay all day with her that makes us a little city guide, leads us in a small beach on the banks of the Ganges, where, given the intense heat, many people come to bathe in icy waters. One of the striking things in Rishikesh is just the sand in the Ganges, which besides being very clear it looks like a diamond sand grains, fine silver mean that the sand of the city is mystical. Of course I picked up a little and put in a bottle to keep it!
Rishikesh The impression which makes us unique is the first time, thousands of people walking the streets and going in the many temples and bathing in the river in one of Gath (stairways that end in the river), and using the sacred water to purify themselves of their sins and doing their prayers.
The atmosphere is really relaxing to Rishikesh, if I could I would be here for at least a month, like many young adventurers do, but my visa will expire in 2 weeks and I have to leave India and return must be at least 2 months out.
The days pass quickly in Rishikesh, April 6 Ledicia reach us, Anna and her husband, the girls in Madrid known to Sonrisas de Bombay and found to Om Beach. Jhoanna with them is also a volunteer known in the Vicente Ferrer Foundation who decided to join me in our journey and Jordi. Let's see how it will go ...
Given the large group decided to take a room in the ashram of Parmath Nikatem but in the end I just went, Gemma and madrilegni 3, Jordi Jhoanna and decided to stay in a guest house.
The ashram is a spiritual place of meditation where everyone can come and choose to stay but then it follows its own rules of the ashram, some very basic (do not use alcohol, tobacco, respecting the opening and closing, enjoy the silence during meals and after a certain hour of the night, etc ...). The ashram is often guided by a Swami (guru) who can teach life (a kind of priest saw in the Catholic view). Ashram you can follow various activities, among which we have done Hatha yoga (from 6 pm to 7 am), Kundalini Yoga (from 11.30 to 13) Kundalini and Meditation (from 20.30 to 21).
We were really excited about the course of Kundalini yoga and meditation. This technique is based on the chanting of mantras (in Sanskrit words to utter only produce a vibration within the body and help to circulate the energy through the 7 chakras), the music is always present during kundalini yoga and medition . Our teacher is a girl who was a student of Newyorkina most important teacher of kundalini yoga in the world. The first time I tried this technique was during a meditation class and I was really impressed that in just half an hour he could feel a strong energy vibrate my whole body ... the same feeling felt after 3 hours of Reiki.
After this experience I'm sure you want to continue with this amazing technique.
One of the old days we go to Haridwar to Rishikesh, we could not go and see the city where we celebrate the Kumbh Mela. We remain enchanted by the mass of people present, from the organization to accommodate the thousands of people from all over India. The rituals that take place on the banks of the Ganges are very strong emotion. Women, men, children, old people, of all ages, all walks of life to bathe in the holy waters of the Ganges offering their puja (prayer accompanied by the donation of a small plate covered with flower petals, candles and incense) to the River. I leave
Rishikesh with a heavy heart and a strong mystical atmosphere that reigns here, but my journey to follow. Now I wait 24 hours to train to Bodhgaya, where the city lights and Siddhartha became the Buddha.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Does The Irs Send Registered Letters
At the foot of the Himalayas
left the region of Punjab's Golden Temple in Amritsar we take a bus that will take us in the region dell'Himalach Pradesh at the foot of the Himalayas.
The first destination is Dharamsala, Mc Leod, or rather, a town of 20,000 inhabitants in the 1200 meters in height and twenty years ago, the Government of India granted the exiled Tibetans to settle and enjoy their exile from their land by the workers' Chinese oppression. In this country the government now resides Tibetan and residence of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who continues his work undaunted international advocacy towards the liberation of Tibet from Chinese captivity. Mc Leod
In the bus to meet Gemma, a girl of 36 years of Roses, province of Figueras, in northern Catalunya. Gemma was born with just an incredible feeling. The journey of 8 hours flight quickly, between a laugh and a chat we came to Mc Leod and she spent the days between trips, visits and experiences more than 2 weeks.
When you get to Mc Leod seems to have entered into another country. The landscape changes dramatically, when you find yourself suddenly look up to observe the high Himalayan mountains. The days are not much more sultry and refreshes you walk through the mountains, as well as the body and spirit. Even the character of the people change. Most residents are Tibetans and Mc Leod Rastro recognize without a doubt. Almond-shaped eyes, face rusty, short stature and sympathy and kindness, are the striking features of our eyes. There are also many Nepalese living in Mc Leod and the Indians, of course, attracted by the tourism-business. The tourism is significant in Mc Leod, there are many guest houses and hotels that offer tourists (more Western) comfort and cleanliness. The restaurants in addition to the Tibetan dishes, where the momo's are the most flat important, they offer all kinds of cuisine, so we can not at all boring. In the week of
instance in Mc Leod, time is flying past, including yoga classes almost every day, tours, breakfast with Tibetan monks, visiting monasteries, knowledge of Tibetan medicine, visit the school of Tibetan handicrafts and culinary tours, which can never miss the days spent flying.
The temperature was perfect, the day does not exceed 20 degrees and evening, between 8 and 15, it was better to go out with a jacket.
Visit Mc Leod was a little like entering Tibet, the Tibetan culture can breathe much, especially when visiting monasteries, you can breathe a incredible peace and serenity. Unfortunately, this trip will not be possible to visit the land of Tibet, the situation with the Chinese government is not simple. You must request special permission of the Chinese embassy and pay a daily fee rather expensive. Furthermore, the Tibetan people is subjected to a sort of dictatorship that allows him to live in freedom. They have curfews, television channels are subject to the Chinese regime, in Lhasa, the capital, are now numerous structures and the Chinese government encourages the population of the capital by the Chinese people, offering great financial help for those who want to build a home or business land in Tibet, leading to the extermination of the people Tibet, an inhuman crime, considering that the Tibetan people is the owner of the most ancient wisdom and culture of the world. Interesting are the Buddhist philosophy classes are held every day in the Buddhist Library near the Tibetan Government. An elderly Monaco every day from a teaching in the Tibetan language, simultaneously translated into English by an elderly woman, followed by about thirty people, including Buddhist monks and Westerners interested in Buddhist theory and every day following the teachings of Monaco.
We remain one week in Mc Leod, even if I wanted to stay a little longer, especially after seeing the other two cities that were waiting for us: Manali and Shimla.
Manali is a city which is located in a valley surrounded by mountains. The sight of snow-capped mountains is wonderful, but unfortunately there is not much to do in Manali. Being more of a departure station to the various hiking and being closed at this time because of snow, we could not take advantage of the various planned activities, which usually attract many tourists. We stay only three days in Manali, relaxing and enjoying the tranquility and calm of the Old Manali where we are staying, after that we put ourselves on the way to Shimla.
The journey seems endless, 12 hours in a bus traveling on curves, climbs, descents, nausea pervades us ... we come to Shimla where we meet with Gemma, which remains more time in Mc Leod. Shimla is a city at 2000 meters high, the winter residence of former senior British Army at the time of British colonization of India. We recognize the remains left by British colonial architecture of observing edifci some of the city and the presence of Catholic churches. Today, Shimla is a tourist stormed by the Indian middle class. The presence of Western-style shops, bars, franchises, expensive hotels and many banks that run along The Mall, the main pedestrian street in the heart of Shimla, just make it really fascinating. We visited the Hindu temple
Hamman, the monkey god, in the top of a mountain at 2500 meters. Even the guides Tourist speak of the presence of aggressive monkeys in this temple, but we do not believe until the entrance of the temple, Gemma is attacked by a monkey who steals a pair of sunglasses to wear. After that experience, annoying but funny at the same time, at least I have laughed for 20 minutes, we help eachother with sticks antiscimmia and enter the temple to Hamman.
We are at Shimla two days, it's not worth staying more if you're not interested in trekking out of the city. The city itself does not offer much wisdom and shopping promenade, something which we are not at all concerned.
leave Shimla and with it the region dell'Himalach Pradesh that leaves me in the heart wonderful week spent in Mc Leod, closer to the Buddhist culture and its friendly people and the friendship with Gemma, who endure a lifetime.
left the region of Punjab's Golden Temple in Amritsar we take a bus that will take us in the region dell'Himalach Pradesh at the foot of the Himalayas.
The first destination is Dharamsala, Mc Leod, or rather, a town of 20,000 inhabitants in the 1200 meters in height and twenty years ago, the Government of India granted the exiled Tibetans to settle and enjoy their exile from their land by the workers' Chinese oppression. In this country the government now resides Tibetan and residence of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who continues his work undaunted international advocacy towards the liberation of Tibet from Chinese captivity. Mc Leod
In the bus to meet Gemma, a girl of 36 years of Roses, province of Figueras, in northern Catalunya. Gemma was born with just an incredible feeling. The journey of 8 hours flight quickly, between a laugh and a chat we came to Mc Leod and she spent the days between trips, visits and experiences more than 2 weeks.
When you get to Mc Leod seems to have entered into another country. The landscape changes dramatically, when you find yourself suddenly look up to observe the high Himalayan mountains. The days are not much more sultry and refreshes you walk through the mountains, as well as the body and spirit. Even the character of the people change. Most residents are Tibetans and Mc Leod Rastro recognize without a doubt. Almond-shaped eyes, face rusty, short stature and sympathy and kindness, are the striking features of our eyes. There are also many Nepalese living in Mc Leod and the Indians, of course, attracted by the tourism-business. The tourism is significant in Mc Leod, there are many guest houses and hotels that offer tourists (more Western) comfort and cleanliness. The restaurants in addition to the Tibetan dishes, where the momo's are the most flat important, they offer all kinds of cuisine, so we can not at all boring. In the week of
instance in Mc Leod, time is flying past, including yoga classes almost every day, tours, breakfast with Tibetan monks, visiting monasteries, knowledge of Tibetan medicine, visit the school of Tibetan handicrafts and culinary tours, which can never miss the days spent flying.
The temperature was perfect, the day does not exceed 20 degrees and evening, between 8 and 15, it was better to go out with a jacket.
Visit Mc Leod was a little like entering Tibet, the Tibetan culture can breathe much, especially when visiting monasteries, you can breathe a incredible peace and serenity. Unfortunately, this trip will not be possible to visit the land of Tibet, the situation with the Chinese government is not simple. You must request special permission of the Chinese embassy and pay a daily fee rather expensive. Furthermore, the Tibetan people is subjected to a sort of dictatorship that allows him to live in freedom. They have curfews, television channels are subject to the Chinese regime, in Lhasa, the capital, are now numerous structures and the Chinese government encourages the population of the capital by the Chinese people, offering great financial help for those who want to build a home or business land in Tibet, leading to the extermination of the people Tibet, an inhuman crime, considering that the Tibetan people is the owner of the most ancient wisdom and culture of the world. Interesting are the Buddhist philosophy classes are held every day in the Buddhist Library near the Tibetan Government. An elderly Monaco every day from a teaching in the Tibetan language, simultaneously translated into English by an elderly woman, followed by about thirty people, including Buddhist monks and Westerners interested in Buddhist theory and every day following the teachings of Monaco.
We remain one week in Mc Leod, even if I wanted to stay a little longer, especially after seeing the other two cities that were waiting for us: Manali and Shimla.
Manali is a city which is located in a valley surrounded by mountains. The sight of snow-capped mountains is wonderful, but unfortunately there is not much to do in Manali. Being more of a departure station to the various hiking and being closed at this time because of snow, we could not take advantage of the various planned activities, which usually attract many tourists. We stay only three days in Manali, relaxing and enjoying the tranquility and calm of the Old Manali where we are staying, after that we put ourselves on the way to Shimla.
The journey seems endless, 12 hours in a bus traveling on curves, climbs, descents, nausea pervades us ... we come to Shimla where we meet with Gemma, which remains more time in Mc Leod. Shimla is a city at 2000 meters high, the winter residence of former senior British Army at the time of British colonization of India. We recognize the remains left by British colonial architecture of observing edifci some of the city and the presence of Catholic churches. Today, Shimla is a tourist stormed by the Indian middle class. The presence of Western-style shops, bars, franchises, expensive hotels and many banks that run along The Mall, the main pedestrian street in the heart of Shimla, just make it really fascinating. We visited the Hindu temple
Hamman, the monkey god, in the top of a mountain at 2500 meters. Even the guides Tourist speak of the presence of aggressive monkeys in this temple, but we do not believe until the entrance of the temple, Gemma is attacked by a monkey who steals a pair of sunglasses to wear. After that experience, annoying but funny at the same time, at least I have laughed for 20 minutes, we help eachother with sticks antiscimmia and enter the temple to Hamman.
We are at Shimla two days, it's not worth staying more if you're not interested in trekking out of the city. The city itself does not offer much wisdom and shopping promenade, something which we are not at all concerned.
leave Shimla and with it the region dell'Himalach Pradesh that leaves me in the heart wonderful week spent in Mc Leod, closer to the Buddhist culture and its friendly people and the friendship with Gemma, who endure a lifetime.
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