Saturday, October 17, 2009

Sata Cable From Radio Shack


They crossed the silent and invisible passage
who for years stood before me;
my mask was cracked
and with a tear
was dispersed into thin
as sand blown by the wind.

At night, when all is quiet

and time passes slowly
to practically agnentarsi,
our spirits meet;

On a cold fog
a 'image familiar to them
whispered silent words
talking about me.
A single image that is silent
and drag them inside a maze
the center of which
there is a room ...
It belongs to me!

The silence and darkness enveloping them

to tighten them in a vise. Everything is silent

there is breath there is
time has lost its substance
Everything stands still.

They crossed the silent and Ivis
passage that leads to Me
there where even I
barely able to get close.
Nothing timeless memories of that trip,
single image
has left his mark as
footprint imprinted in the sand;

But there is someone other than
that can not hear and understand
unspoken words.

Sensitive Eyes Makeup

The forest in bloom - Yukio Mishima

A POETRY endless, rich colors, scents and sounds that echo away silently in the mind of the writer and reader!
Through the emotions and introspection of the I narrator, there is found the exaltation of classical values \u200b\u200bof the past.
features of the stories in this collection are the total detachment from reality, and the construction of a dream world, an alternative to the real one.
And now I close my eyes and mind to walk back up those long avenues in bloom, looking for a new and romantic atmosphere ....